The Student Travel Award is designed to support student attendance at the annual TSOP meetings.
The Student Travel Award is open to students who have submitted an abstract for presentation (either oral or poster) at the Annual TSOP meeting. The abstract has to be accepted for the presentation.
Three (3) monetary awards of $1,000 (US) each will be granted. Money will be sent to the awardees (by PayPal or Western Union) before the TSOP Annual Meeting or provided to them during the TSOP General Luncheon at the meeting. Please note: If an awardee requires visa to travel to the host country of the Annual Meeting, then before transferring the money student will have to submit to TSOP a proof of a visa.
Monetary awards are to be applied to expenses directly related to travel to attend a TSOP Annual Meeting. Funds should not be used to fund research, purchase capital equipment, to pay salaries, tuition, room, or board during the school year.
Students receiving the award will be required to provide receipts detailing travel spending to TSOP after the meeting has concluded. Copies of travel receipts should be sent to the chair of the award commitee. Please note: If you received the Student Travel Award and are unable to travel to the conference the award money have to be returned to TSOP.
Completed applications must be e-mailed by April 30, 2025 to Sherry (Xiaowei) Zheng, Chair of the Student Travel Award Committee.
Completed applications should include:
1. |
Filled out Travel Award Application Form (see page 1). |
Title, authors and text of your abstract submitted to the TSOP Annual meeting
(paste on page 1-3). |
Cover letter requesting travel funds and stating how attending the TSOP Annual meeting will help your research (paste on page 4). |
4. |
Letter of support from your primary faculty advisor (attach as separate document). |
Applications will be reviewed and ranked by a committee of three TSOP members; selection of award winners will be based on a combination of quality of research/presentation and potential impact in the field of organic petrology. |